Shamoon Shahid


End Hero


Computer Scientist having hands on experience and skills equipped with leadership and conveyance, Moreover I am not from those who give up because I believe a person is not defeated unless the person himself accepts the defeat, I am hard worker, passionate and try to achieve satisfaction in every work of life.

Full Stack/JavaScript Developer.

Working in different roles according to the project from the development to the deployment.

  • Birthday: 27 August 1997
  • Phone: +92 3374954704
  • City: Lahore, Pakistan
  • Age: 23
  • Degree: BS Computer Science
  • Email:

I am hardworker, passionate and always ready to learn about the computer science. I mostly love solve programming problems irrespective of the language. Java and JavaScript are one of my favourite programming languages.


These are the skills which i have not learn in a single day but there is a long book of struggle behined this skill.

JavaScript 90%
Nodejs 90%
React Js90%
Next JS90%
Git Version Control90%
Postgressql 90%
Linux bash-Scripting60%
Devops (deployment)90%



Bachelor in Computer Science

2016 - 2020

National University of Computer Science, FAST, Lahore

FSc Pre-Engineering

2014 - 2016

Punjab group of colleges, Lahore


2002 - 2014

Fazia Inter College, Lahore cantt

Professional Experience

Senior Software Engineer

June-2022 -- Present

RemoteBase, remote

  • Working on the frontend(Next JS) of the coreproduct. Implementing new features and making it compatible with modern UX
  • Also, working on aws lambdas making robust backend having concurrent interaction at the same time.
  • Integration of frontend with smart contract core functions making a feel of seamless transaction between entities.

Mid Level Software Engineer

September-2021 -- May 2022

Blackhole LLC Lahore, pakistan

  • Worked mianly as a backend developer mainly on the implementaion of business logic with blockchain using web3
  • Integrated and single handedly controlled all the deployments on the server side. With continous integration and development using the github actions pipelines.

Software Engineer Level-1

July-2020 -- August-2021

Parakeet Systems Lahore, pakistan

  • Implemented the compatability between two different systems using RESTful API. Keeping in mind the security and authenticity of api
  • Integrated the developed system with aws S3 for efficiently storing data in synchronization with the database




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